AAFC Bud Hardiness: Report 8

Monday, March 22, 2021

This is the eight report of the season from March 15 and 16 prepared by Jeff Franklin and Dr. Harrison Wright. You can find the information in the following link:

-       Report 8 (Mar 15 – 16 2021): or the direct hyperlink https://www.perennia.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Bud-hardiness-report-8-Mar-15-16-2021.pdf

From Grapes to Wines Cool Climate Webinars Last Session

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The fifth session of From Grapes to Wines webinars took place last week with the presentation of Dr. Harrison Wright from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Kentville. He talked about wine grape cold cases: frosts, freezes, bud hardiness and viability, and shared the results of related research done in Nova Scotia. Interesting questions were raised during Q&A session. If you were unable to join us for this session, you can watch it on-demand on YouTube via this link.

CGCN-RCCV Grapevine Leafroll Virus Webinar

Thursday, March 11, 2021

For the second installment of CGCN-RCCV webinar series, Dr. José Úrbez-Torres and Dr. Tom Lowery of the British Columbia Summerland Research and Development Centre, and Dr. Vaughn Bell of The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited will be presenting. These individuals will present on the Grapevine Leafroll Virus (GLRV) in Canada and New Zealand - its effects on vine and wine, vectors and vector management, testing methods, plant material standards, and eradication strategies.

AAFC Bud Hardiness: Report 7

Monday, March 8, 2021

Jeff Franklin and Dr. Harrison Wright are sending the seventh bud hardiness report of the season. As previously mentioned, now all the seasonal reports will be available on Perennia’s website. In the following paragraph, it’s described the precise location of all the reports.

From Grapes to Wines Cool Climate Webinars Fifth Session

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The third session of From Grapes to Wines webinars took place last week on February 25 with the presentation of Dr. Matt McSweeney Acadia University. The presentation was centered on how Nova Scotians perceives and describes local wines. If you were unable to join us for this session, you can watch it on-demand on YouTube from this link.