With the favourable climatic conditions of good heat accumulation and average precipitation (for more details, please check Weather update: First 6 days of June 2021), the vineyards across the province are growing fast. With this accelerated growth, it’s possible to see more activity through the grapevines and scouting the vineyards becomes a weekly activity. In the second-Best Practices session of the season, we presented materials to recognize potential threats in the vineyard and the information related to tissue sampling, which is available in this publication.
Guide to the Key Arthropods of Vineyards of Eastern
This is a quite complete guide about the main arthropods (arachnids
and insects), divided in pest and natural enemies. Professionals from Ontario,
Quebec and Nova Scotia collaborated in the elaboration, with many photos and explanations.
Identification Guide to the Major Diseases of Grapes
The second guide covers different fungal diseases possible
to be found in vineyards, more precisely in grapevines in Eastern Canada. Moreover,
it’s possible to find a list of grape variety susceptibility and the
phenological stages, in this way it’s possible to find which parts of the
vineyard in the specific growth stages require more attention. Professionals
from Ontario and Quebec collaborated in this document.
Tissue sampling
The season is moving quite fast and it shouldn’t be a surprise
to see bloom arriving in the earliest varieties sooner rather than later. Bloom
is the proper timing for tissue sampling for nutritional purposes, thus it will
be possible to see potential deficiencies and take the appropriate strategy to
remediate or increase the nutrient levels. Perennia has elaborated a document
called Grape Tissue Sampling, where you can find all the
information on how to proceed with the correct sampling.
I also recommend watching the video created by Cornell University
Cooperation Extension with a clear and graphic explanation on how to proceed
successfully in the petiole sampling.