Spring is quietly coming while pruning is still work in progress through Nova Scotia vineyards. Due to our cool climate conditions, bud burst starts in average from middle of May in the earliest varieties to the early June in the latest varieties. While the pruning is still going, it’ll be good to keep in mind some resources available about pruning principals and strategies.
The following video is part of the winter webinar sessions
‘From Grapes to Wines Cool Climate webinars’. Our speaker, Marco Simonit from
Simonit&Sirch, presents didactically some strategies to prune respectfully
grapevines to keep them healthy and productive along their lifespan in cool
climate zones. Through the presentation you can see various examples and images
from many years of practical experience in different countries at
Here the hyperlink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg9F2olrJIA&list=PLWHYsBiZD_TIQ3VPclNZnksX-f7xqRL_9&index=8
Moreover, to complement the previous video, it’s included a
short article about some principles of grapevine pruning from Professors Alain
Deloire and Simone Mariotti and Simonit&Sirch. There you can find basic
considerations for grapevine sustainability, objectives, more literature, and
some photos to illustrate the results.
- Grapevine pruning: some principles or the hyperlink https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/1127043/normal_61a20b02abc2b.pdf