Season 2022: Weather update, bud burst and shoot growth and Grape production guide

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thanks to Jeff Franklin from AAFC Kentville, we are bringing the weekly weather update. In this publication you can see the degree days accumulation in the air, average daily air temperature and average daily soil temperature. Like last week, the temperatures have positively triggered bud burst in the earliest varieties and many others have followed the trend.

Best Practices session 1 ready to watch

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

At the beginning of May, we had the Best Practices session 1. At this first event, Dr Harrison Wright from KRDC summarized the bud hardiness results and explained their observations along the winter. Like the previous years, one of our best contributors, Jeff Franklin from KRDC, presented the weather information and linked it with the vineyard physiology. The session finished with a discussion between the panelist and Steve Ells, owner of Ellslea farm and president of GGANS, about the first activities in the vineyard.

Season 2022: Weather update, beginning of bud burst and sprayer calibration

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Jeff Franklin from AAFC Kentville is bringing the weekly weather update. Like last week, in this publication you can see the degree days accumulation in the air. The main difference this time is that the temperatures have increased, and triggered bud burst in the earliest varieties.

Weather Station Apps and Website Training Session

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Next week Tuesday evening will be a virtual Weather Station Apps and Website Training Session! This training session is intended for producers who have purchased weather stations from Perennia under the Nova Scotia Weather Station Assistance Program and is also open to anyone who would like to learn more about the weather stations and how they work. It will provide an overview of the Davis weather station components, basic maintenance and using the apps and software tools.

Grape production guide

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Perennia is proud to present the Grape Production Guide! This guide was developed focusing on the most frequent inquiries from local growers and newcomers interested to grow grapes for winemaking in Nova Scotia. Topics such as site selection, site preparation and most planted varieties in the province are just some of the examples of what you can find in the Grape Production Guide.

Figure 1. Grape Production Guide front page

Season 2022: Weather update

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Jeff Franklin from AAFC Kentville is bringing the weekly weather update. Thanks to him, we’re able to observe graphs showing the evolution of the climate at the beginning and throughout the growing season. Similar to last week, in this publication it’s possible to see the degree days accumulation in the air.

Best Practices Session 1

Thursday, May 5, 2022

The weather conditions are improving, the pruning is almost done, the sap is moving through the grapevines and it’s the time for a new Best Practices session! Since 2019, GGANS, Perennia and many stakeholders are working together to provide local growers’ observations from the vineyards in our province. Like the last 2 years, the sessions will be held in Zoom, recorded and after uploaded to YouTube. Please, stay tuned as we’ll see the opportunity to continue evolving on how the sessions are delivered.

Season 2022: Weather update

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

One of the best contributors to the Grape blog is back providing the weather update, Jeff Franklin from AAFC Kentville! Thanks to him, we’re able to observe graphs showing the evolution of the climate at the beginning and throughout the growing season. In this publication, it’s possible to see the degree days accumulation in the air.