Thursday, June 27, 2024


Hello Dear Growers!

Last week we did quite a trip across the province! Over 1600km of driving, 15 sites visited and a lot of learning. Thank you to the growers we met with and to those whom we may have missed, we will see you soon!

This week, I would like to focus on pest protection. With the rainy weather forecasted for the next couple of weeks (hopefully we get some breaks in between), this is prime season for:

Black Rot, Downy Mildew along with Powdery Mildew, Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot.

Pre-bloom through to fruit set is a critical period for disease control! Often this is an ideal time for the use of systemic products that once dry, are not easily washed off and can protect clusters throughout the bloom period. All of these diseases can infect fruit clusters and result in poor fruit set and crop loss!

Please refer to the Perennia pest guide for product information, follow the labels and ensure you get good coverage on your vines.

Phylloxera is also very much present. Ensure that you are scouting and acting well in advance. Please do not spray insecticides during bloom- if needed, use them prior to or after bloom is complete.

There are several products for phylloxera available; consult the online pest guide tool as it will also inform you which groups you may/ may not use together and avoid resistance.


Vine Observations:  Heat Stress 

Visual symptoms may include:

·       Leaf rolling and cupping.

·       Wilting

·       Scorched or dried leaf margins


Be aware that phytotoxicity (spray) burns can look very similar to the photos above- especially if pesticides and/ or foliar nutrients were applied during high heat situations when vines are under temperature stress.


Be sure to follow label instructions when using products. Remember that some hybrid cultivars are sulfur sensitive, and use may result in leaf and/or cluster injury.


Growth Stages:

Depending on your area, site and cultivar:

L’Acadie: Full Bloom.

Baco Noir: Full Bloom to fruit set

New York Muscat: 14-16 leaves separated.

Chardonnay: 10-12 leaves separated

Pinot Noir: 10-12 leaves separated


Kentville Research Station:

A Quick Reminder:

Do join us for our Cover Cropping Session. The details and GDD information are presented below.

 Upcoming Events:

Cover Cropping Info Session

Location: Benjamin Bridge Winery

Date: 24 July

Time: 5:30-7pm.




25-Year Average


Current Year










        41.5 **













*Up to June 26, 2024

Growing degree days, base of 10 °C starting on April 1

Current Year

10-Year Average






*Up to June 26, 2024


Thank you all for your time this week and see you soon.


Weather and Spray Coverage- Quick Note

Monday, June 24, 2024

Happy Monday Dear Growers!

A quick note to start the week- 

Phylloxera is highly active now and may be managed with Movento. Please check the label for rates and directions. 

Erineum Mite: Please check the Perennia pest guide for detailed suppression information. 

Do be aware of warnings of cultivar sensitivity if you are considering use of oils and to be aware of restrictions on labels as prior fungicide use for some products too close to an oil application may result in tissue burning. Always refer to the label for precautions. 

·       Black Rot: Several products are available; please refer to: to ensure proper rotation of products to reduce potential for the development of resistance .

Precipitation Forecast and Disease Control: We are getting precipitation at the beginning of this week, so make sure you are protected against disease infection (Downy Mildew and Black Rot along with Powdery Mildew and Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot). Pre-bloom through to fruit set is a critical period for disease control! 

Thank you all for your time and see you soon!



Viticulture Specialist
Perennia Food and Agriculture
Office 902-678-7722

Cell 902-599-1390


Thank you for a Week Full of Visits

Sunday, June 23, 2024


Hello Dear Growers!

I hope you all had a good week. This week we visited the Bear River, Shelbourne- Yarmouth regions, met with many growers and saw several new sites. Thank you all for welcoming us, and I look forward to following up with you soon.

                                                             Pests to look out for:


Please note that Phylloxera has red galls on the edges as well as on the underside of the leaf.

Erineum Mite: Galls are green, and the underside of the leaf is pocketed and white.

Black Rot

Presence of small brown lesions (2 to 10 mm in diameter) surrounded by a darker margin a ring of small black fruiting bodies (black pustules).

As mentioned in the previous blog post,

·       Phylloxea can be managed with Movento.

·       Erineum Mite: Purespray Green 13 E. Begin applications when mites first appear and repeat every 10-14 days. Ensure thorough application.

·       Black Rot: Several products are available; please refer to: to ensure proper rotation of products.

 Precipitation reminder: We should be getting some rain over this weekend and the beginning of next week, so make sure you are covered.

Growth Stages:

Digby Area:

L’Acadie:  A week to 10 days to flowering.


Baco Noir:50-70%  cap fall;

I will be posting the GDD and Precipitation information again next week.

And please, do make sure you continue your spray programs even though we have had a good stretch of hot weather.

The best time to spray is just before bloom and when the fruit has just set.  

Thank you all for your time this week.

If you have any questions, do contact me.





14 June-Weekly Update and Save the Date: Cover Cropping Info Session 24 July 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Happy Friday Dear Readers!

I hope this week has treated you well, and you received some rain. I must admit, I was caught in a quick vineyard downpour a couple of days ago. Currently, we are sitting at 11.7mm for June. 

May saw ½ the rain amount than the historical average. The Precipitation and GDD information is attached at the bottom of this week’s update.

Here we go!


Phylloxera: by Deb Moreau at AAFC:

In the past few weeks, phylloxera crawlers were seen emerging from the soil in L’Acadie Blanc blocks and early leaf galls on varieties that are known to be susceptible to leaf galling (e.g., Frontenac). These observations are earlier than usual.

Soil temperatures (35 cm) have been well above average for this season to date which is likely a significant contributor to early soil emergence.

Visual inspections for galls on leaves should be ongoing now.

Control: If needed, Movento is a registered product that is available for conventional systems (not organic). It acts as a systemic (the vine will uptake in roots and leaves) and has good efficacy, long-lasting (30 days between applications). It will act on phylloxera when they feed.

Application Time: Early season application will be more effective in suppressing populations than if applied later in the season.

Pesticide Alert: Movento can also be toxic to bees. Do not spray at bloom or when bees are active.

Cultural controls can include creating reservoirs for beneficial species like green lacewings, syrphid flies and other generalist predators and parasitoids.

Please Remember:  

While completing your field work, scout your sites for Phomopsis and Erineum Mite as well. They may already be present in the vineyard.

Phenology and Vineyard Work Update:

                                                       New York Muscat 13 June 2024. 

The Valley:

  •      Vigorous Varieties (NY Muscat; Marquette) are at about 40cm- 45cm in shoot length and between 6-8 leaves separated.
  •      Chardonnay and Pinot Noir are about 30cm in shoot length and about 5-6 leaves separated.

     Kentville Research Station:

  •   Marquette: 10 leaves separated;
  •   L’Acadie: 7 leaves separated;
  •   NY Muscat: 8 leaves separated.

Toward the Malagash Area:

·     Last week, growth was reported at 3-4 leaves separated on 10cm shoots.

o   This is variety and weather dependent of course.

 Vineyard Activity:

Depending on your site, growers are at the suckering stage -actively suckering and some already completed. 

Upcoming Events: Cover Cropping Info Session

Date: 24 July 2024

Location: Benjamin Bridge Winery

Time: 5:30-7pm

Admission: Complimentary

You are more than welcome to sip on a glass of wine during the session. The Benjamin Bridge staff will be on hand during the event. 

Dr. Kevin Ker will be arriving for another visit next week; We will be seeing the Yarmouth-Bear River area. I am looking forward to meeting the growers and chatting all things vineyard.

Thank you all for your time this week, and I hope you enjoy the weekend.



GDD and Precipitation up to 13 June 2024. 

Growing degree days, base of 10 °C starting on April 1

Current Year

10-Year Average




25-Year Average


Current Year










        11.7 **













*Growing degree days, calculated using the average method, and Sine degree days up to June 13. Sine degree days are calculated using the single sine method.

*Information provided by Jeff Franklin and the Kentville Research Station team.         

Vineyard Visits and Education Session

Friday, June 7, 2024

 Hello Readers!

I hope you enjoyed the Apple Blossom festivities. It was my first one, and it was a lovely way to welcome springtime. A big congratulations goes out to GGANS for being awarded 2nd place for their float creativity!

I was told that it invariably rains each year, and as predicted, rain did make an appearance. I am sure however, that our growers welcomed the precipitation. As you are probably already aware, it has been a much drier season than the historical average.

Going forward, I will be providing weekly precipitation and GDD updates. The tables are included at the bottom of this post for your reference.

What are we seeing on site currently in terms of growth stage?

·       5-7 leaves separated for Pinot Noir, Chardonnay.

·       6-8 leaves separated for L’Acadie, Frontenac, NY Muscat.

·       8-9 leaves for Marquette.

*Please remember that these observations are site dependent.

Are we behind or ahead?

  Most growers are at the tail end of tying down if not already finished, and looking at following up with a spray within this week or the next- weather dependent.

Pests and Disease:

Some growers- depending on the variety are seeing signs of Phylloxera and Erineum mite. While out for my growth stage observations, I have come across Erineum Mite in Chardonnay and Pinot Noir myself.  

Crown Gall, as most of you are familiar, is an ongoing concern as is Downy Mildew which overwintered from last year.


Be sure to spray and achieve good coverage in every row in the early part of the season. As the vine continues to grow, new growth will not be covered, so make sure to watch the weather and respond accordingly.

Upcoming Visits:

With Lisa and Kevin, we visited the Malagash area two weeks ago, and will be making our way to the Bear River area mid June. Thank you all very much for your emails and communications; I may take a few days to respond but rest assured that my goal is to meet you in person over the next couple of months.


Through the OFCAF initiative, we will be hosting a Cover Crop information session on Wednesday, July 24th.

We have several speakers lined up to speak to the subject from varying perspectives:

Organics, Conventional, Cover Cropping through the eyes of a specialist, and cover crops in annual systems.  The discussion will be followed by a networking session. I understand that for some of our growers, this may be quite a long drive, so we will be live streaming the session for everyone’s participation.

I will be announcing the speakers closer to the date of the event. We can all meet and chat in person.  

Date: Wednesday, July 24th.

Time: 5-7:30pm.

Venue: Benjamin Bridge Estate Winery.


Thank you all again for your time this week, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Please be sure to check out the weather and GDD updates below.





Growing degree days, base of 10 °C starting on April 1

Current Year

10-Year Average



A table with numbers and a number of months

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Table 1: Monthly Precipitation.                                                                      Table 2: GDD.

*Up to June 3, 2024          


* Growing degree days, calculated using the average method, and Sine degree days up to June 3. All data are taken from the Environment and Climate Change Canada weather station located at the Kentville Research and Development Centre.