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Following Veraison: Updates


Hello Dear Readers!

I hope you had a good week and enjoyed the long weekend. Last two Thursdays, Kevin, Lisa and I visited sites around the Valley and Bear River to check in on growers to see the seasonal progression. Saying we are very pleased is an understatement. With a good crop load and by all accounts, the season is early by about a week.

Thank you for attending the GGANS Summer Tour. I appreciate seeing you again and learning alongside with you. Thank you also to those who attended the Best Practice session at Luckett Vineyards. For reference, I will post the berry/ cluster sampling protocol in the Fact Sheet Section of the Perennia Website.   

As previously mentioned, I began sampling and recording the maturity progression (sugar accumulation) from several cultivars. The information is vital to the concept of precision viticulture and will be used to inform and optimize many decisions including pruning time, pesticide spray time, fertilization, harvest... Data and knowledge improves efficiency and efficacy, so I hope that you would help me by recording the growth stages from your own site starting next spring if you haven’t been doing it already.   

In preparation for harvest, for the follow-up blog post, I will send along some information about using a refractometer for brix measurements and a quick overview of the cluster sampling protocol.

Below are the Brix and Total Acidity results I collected from sites in the Valley. I will be posting this information in the weekly blog until harvest.

Please keep in mind that these values are site specific, so your numbers may vary somewhat. These are a guidelines only.

Method of collection: randomized cluster sampling; chemical analysis provided by Acadia ALab.

As you can see, Marquette is quite far along in terms of sugar accumulation while Chardonnay is just starting to go through veraison.

Marquette 28 August 2024


Below are precipitation, GDD, Phenology, Sugar and Total Acidity (TA) results from the Kentville Research Station

Table 1.  Precipitation totals for the Kentville Research and Development Centre by month.


25-Year Average


Current Year























                                                         **Up to August 29, 2024

Table 2. Growing Degree Days

Single sine degree days, base of 0 °C starting on April 1

Growing degree days, base of 10 °C starting on April 1

Current Year

10-Year Average

Current Year

10-Year Average






Table 3. Phenological stages of three varieties of grape by date for the KRDC Research Vineyard. Bud break for all three varieties was between May 18 and May 20, 2024.

Date of Assessment


L’Acadie blanc

New York Muscat


Berries with intermediate sugar values

Berries with intermediate sugar values

Berries with intermediate sugar values

Table 4. Post-veraison brix and acid values of three varieties of grape, by date, for the KRDC Research Vineyard. TA is the total acidity expressed in grams per litre and measured by titration using a Hanna (model#  HI 84502) titrator.  Brix is total soluble solids expressed as % and measured with an Atago Digital Hand-Held Pocket Refractometer.

Date of Assessment


L’Acadie blanc

New York Muscat

Brix (%)

TA (g/L)

Brix (%)

TA (g/L)

Brix (%)

TA (g/L)








Follow up posts will also focus on Botrytis. We have been lucky with the weather lately, so I hope you have been vigilant about your sprays and following the pre-harvest intervals according to your contractor’s wishes.

Thank you all for your time, and I hope you enjoy your week.



Katarina Vucic MSc DipWSET

Viticulture Specialist
Perennia Food and Agriculture
Office 902-678-7722

Cell 902-599-1390




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