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Showing posts from March 13, 2024

A New Growing Season Begins

Last Saturday, March 9 we were fortunate to have great weather for the 2024 Grape Pruning Workshop.  Together, Dr. Kevin Ker, Perennia's Viticulture Consultant, and Steve Ells, President of GGANS, demonstrated different types of pruning methods for a variety of hybrid and vinifera cultivars.  Special focus was placed on learning how to deal with vineyard pruning challenges as a result of the Polar Vortex, for example, pruning for recovery and reestablishment of vines and training systems.  Thanks to everyone who attended to make this a successful event, and to Ellslea Farms Ltd. and Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards for hosting us.  We hope you took away some valuable information you can use in your vineyards. Ellslea Farms Ltd. Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards Dr. Kevin Ker, Perennia's Viticulture Consultant and Steve Ells, President of GGANS tag teaming a pruning demo in a vinifera block. Best of luck to everyone pruning, as a new growing season begins! If you have any q