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Showing posts from May 27, 2024

News and Webinar Links

  Hi Dear Readers! Spring is definitely upon us, and I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather. Thank you for attending the most recent webinars. They are posted on the Perennia You Tube channel along with the PDFs from each session. The links are provided below. You are welcome to refer to all the content at your convenience. There were a couple of questions about critical temperature that came up at the Spring Frost webinar session that I would like to address as I feel they are worth additional the attention. A question was asked about how long tissue needs to be exposed to freezing temperatures for injury to occur. Some literature suggested 30 minutes or less below 0 degrees, but this is highly variable. There are many factors that influence tissue injury. We know that ambient air   temperature at   0 ˚ C or cooler   may last for several hours. The longer the exposure to those temperatures, the higher the likelihood that the buds or leaves (actively growing tissue) may be d