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Showing posts from June 14, 2024

14 June-Weekly Update and Save the Date: Cover Cropping Info Session 24 July 2024

Happy Friday Dear Readers! I hope this week has treated you well, and you received some rain. I must admit, I was caught in a quick vineyard downpour a couple of days ago. Currently, we are sitting at 11.7mm for June.  May saw ½ the rain amount than the historical average. The Precipitation and GDD information is attached at the bottom of this week’s update. Here we go! PEST ALERT! Phylloxera: by Deb Moreau at AAFC: In the past few weeks, phylloxera crawlers were seen emerging from the soil in L’Acadie Blanc blocks and early leaf galls on varieties that are known to be susceptible to leaf galling (e.g., Frontenac). These observations are earlier than usual. Soil temperatures (35 cm) have been well above average for this season to date which is likely a significant contributor to early soil emergence. Visual inspections for galls on leaves should be ongoing now. Control: If needed, Movento is a registered product that is available for conventional systems (not organic). It acts as a s