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Showing posts from June 27, 2024
  Hello Dear Growers! Last week we did quite a trip across the province! Over 1600km of driving, 15 sites visited and a lot of learning. Thank you to the growers we met with and to those whom we may have missed, we will see you soon! This week, I would like to focus on pest protection. With the rainy weather forecasted for the next couple of weeks (hopefully we get some breaks in between), this is prime season for: Black Rot, Downy Mildew along with Powdery Mildew, Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot. Pre-bloom through to fruit set is a critical period for disease control! Often this is an ideal time for the use of systemic products that once dry, are not easily washed off and can protect clusters throughout the bloom period. All of these diseases can infect fruit clusters and result in poor fruit set and crop loss! Please refer to the Perennia pest guide for product information, follow the labels and ensure you get good coverage on your vines.