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Showing posts from July 6, 2024

Vineyard Pest Alert

  Happy Friday Dear Growers! I hope you all had a lovely Canada Day, and enjoyed some of the festivities last week. Let’s get right into it, as there is quite a bit to talk about. Weather and Disease Pressure: We will be receiving rain over the next week, so please keep vigilant about your sprays and ensure that you are well covered. The next 4-6 weeks are peak infection periods for powdery mildew, downy mildew, and black rot . Keep an eye out for the initial signs of powdery mildew. Remember, once you see visible symptoms on vine leaves, the infection has likely already been present for about a week. Make sure to stay on schedule with your spray regimen to prevent falling behind. For products and application rates, please access Perennia’s pest management tool here: At this time, I would also ask growers to consider leaf thinning – especially for the vigorous varieties- to promote good airflow and spray coverage. Vineyard Pests: