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Showing posts from August 6, 2024
6 August 2024: Hello Dear Readers! I have been out on the road again last week… checking in on growers and seeing the seasonal progression. I will be in the Malagash area this week and looking forward to seeing you again. A report of my visits will be posted in my next blog. In the meantime- some updates: OFCAF Cover Cropping Session: A big thank you to everyone who participated and attended the Perennia-OFCAF Cover Cropping session last week. We had a good turnout, many questions and good insights. A follow-up session will be organized in due time.  Please remember- cover crops do much more than allow for machinery re-entry after adverse weather conditions. Contact us for more information and find out how OFCAF can support you and your vineyard. As we continue into August, and as mentioned previously, I will be posting the Blogs more often. The Weather: I am sure most, if not all of us received the flood warning on Sunday. According to our Davis weather stations, the N