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Showing posts from September 3, 2024

Following Veraison: Updates

  Hello Dear Readers! I hope you had a good week and enjoyed the long weekend. Last two Thursdays, Kevin, Lisa and I visited sites around the Valley and Bear River to check in on growers to see the seasonal progression. Saying we are very pleased is an understatement. With a good crop load and by all accounts, the season is early by about a week. Thank you for attending the GGANS Summer Tour. I appreciate seeing you again and learning alongside with you. Thank you also to those who attended the Best Practice session at Luckett Vineyards. For reference, I will post the berry/ cluster sampling protocol in the Fact Sheet Section of the Perennia Website.     As previously mentioned, I began sampling and recording the maturity progression (sugar accumulation) from several cultivars. The information is vital to the concept of precision viticulture and will be used to inform and optimize many decisions including pruning time, pesticide spray time, fertilization, harvest... Data and kno