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Showing posts from September 11, 2024

Veraison to Harvest: Grape Cluster Sampling Strategy

  Hello Dear Readers! I hope the last couple of weeks have been treating you well. The weather has been wonderful, and harvest has slowly started. As we head into the home stretch, I thought it would be useful to focus on sampling strategy for this week. This post will be available as a fact sheet on the Perennia website soon.  The petiole sampling fact sheet is now available online. I will be on the road for the duration of harvest and dropping in to see you, so if you would like a visit, or a check-in, do let me know. Thank you and Happy Harvest! GRAPE SAMPLING STRATEGY Cluster sampling for fruit maturity after Veraison and up to harvest is one of the best techniques for monitoring and tracking crop maturity. Grape Quality is Impacted by: Maturity and condition of the grapes aroma/flavour and phenolic characteristics harvesting methods, transportation and processing protocols. Grape quality parameters agreed upon between the grape producer and the wineries are the foundation for mana