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Showing posts from September 17, 2024

YIELD ESTIMATION: Timing and Importance- Why is this Practice Useful?

  Following our best practice session, I thought it would be prudent to have this document on hand and bring attention to this topic. It is useful to discuss and clarify any misconceptions regarding this important practice. As you read, you may recognize that you may not go into as much detail, but it is useful to understand each component of yield estimation, how we derive these numbers and why it is important to do the count each year.  Remember, each vintage is different, and yield differs annually. It is not useful to base your current yield on previous yield numbers. What the historical average does do is provide a benchmark for a particular variety at your specific site. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. So, What is Yield? Typically, the weight of fruit over a given area (tonnes/acre of grapes). In some cases, yield may refer to the amount of fruit on an individual vine. Why is yield estimation important? Yield estimates at or near verais